this past weekend was a blast! i forgot cameron, so the picture-less saga continues. but it was so fun to celebrate breanna getting married, see my old friends from high school, go wine tasting, lay in the sun, and just be a silly giggly, girl. i love how i can see my old friends and we can hug and joke and laugh like we just saw each other the other day.
on another note, we got our save the dates yesterday so i have been a mean, lean, addressing machine! we are hoping to get them out by this week. i cannot believe how smoothly everything is going. i am just so excited to be married to james. what a blessed girl i am.
this weekend, we start our premarital counseling which is great! i highly recommend the book we are reading,
saving your marriage before it starts. it's written by a married couple and offers very practical advice for couples who are engaged or newly married.
on sunday is my mom's birthday so i think james and i are going to drive down to santa barbara to meet my parents for lunch. i am so excited to celebrate with my parents and see them if just for a day.
suffice to say things are going pretty well! God is just blessing us and i never want to take that for granted. it is all because of Him. now off to bed so i waking up at 6 tomorrow won't be too painful.